Indrasinh S. Zala (Founder & Chairman)

Education could not only eradicate illiteracy from the country, but could also be used as an effective tool for social change and economic growth. It is believed that education is necessary for the people to develop themselves, to be cultured and to acquire adequate knowledge, skills and attitude in the varied areas to be successful at social, technological, personal and professional fronts. It is education which is detrimental for one's growth and development. It is the only way to enthuse people with confidence and live a respectful life.

With the above stated belief about education and with the sole vision of progress, Hon. lndrasinh started indeed extra ordinary efforts in its unique way of seeing future generation reflecting knowledge, skills, courage, rationality, attitude, self-confidence and self-respect. He continuously promoted the growth of socio-cultural institutions in highly practical and appropriate manner to serve the objective.

The experience of more than 16 years in education with technical background, Mr. lndrasinh becomes a pioneer who has implemented modern technologies and is acknowledged for bringing the transformation in education that highlights a philanthropic educationalist in Surendrnanar District, Gujarat. Playing a key role in the society to eradicate illiteracy, he not only brought Euro Kids, an internationally renowned pre-school in Surendranagar and introduced western science through the English language but at the same time also make Arts, Indian Philosophy, languages and sports the major instruments to bring the required change.

Described as one of the leading thinkers ill education; he promoted modern technologies, methods and system for higher studies like Computer, Management, Commerce and Science stream affiliated with Regional Universities. His remarkable efforts, clear vision and modest technical methods of development have earned 1" rank in Saurashtra University.

As a technical expert, he promoted technical institute namely, Shree Pandit Nathulalji Vyas Technical Campus with courses like Diploma Engineering, Degree and Master of Engineering, MBA etc. in Surendranagar district affiliated with state renowned university GTU(Gujarat Technological University) and approved by AICTE- New Delhi.

The enduring vision, the impeccable endeavors, daunting courage and iron-will to bring transformation in the modern education system has fetched hi m much fame and reverence in Surendranagar District